FCHC Visiting Policy:
To provide a safe and also a supportive environment, FCHC has developed these Visitors Guidelines to provide a safe and supportive environment for those who are at our facility which is as follows:
Restricted Visiting Policy:
Fulton Manor Visitation Guidelines: updated 6/15/2023
Fulton Manor has no visitor restrictions at this time.
Fulton County Health Center Main Facility Guidelines:
- Avoid visiting if having respiratory symptoms of COVID-19, been recently in close contact with someone that has COVID-19, or tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days.
- Wash or sanitize hands often and must be done before leaving patient rooms
- Limit touching multiple surfaces in the patient room.
- For those that cannot visit a loved one, ipad technology is available for communication, ask your primary nurse or nursing supervisor if assistance is needed.
A patient’s care team may make recommendations for exceptions to the FCHC visitation guidelines for circumstances where the guidelines have an impact on the quality of patient care. When appropriate, these circumstances would be approved through the Chief Nursing Officer. Families should discuss concerns with a member of the patient’s care team or House Supervisor.